AI Tanks

AI tanks is a project developed during my artificial intelligence subject. The game consists of two tanks with diferent patrol routes. When the tanks are in range and there is no object between them, they start shooting at each other different types of shells. At some point their ammo is gone and tanks must go to a recharge zone to reload their ammunition.

The project was made in a team of two with my colleague Alexandru and I ended up taking the leading role of the project. Its development lasted about 2 months with the accomplished goals of understand the basics of steering & kinematic movement on AI, and diferent behaviours using behaviour trees. In our case we used a plugin for unity called Behaviour Bricks, similar to node canvas.

I must mentions the shells system & VFX. The tanks shoot difetent types of shells randomly. One is the normal shell with a parabola, the other a shell guided with towars the enemy so it never mises and the last one a shell tha open portals around the enemy. During this project I also expanded my learnings about creating & design VFX.


  • Recast library just to calculate path
  • Steering Behaviours for AI movement
    • Seek & flee
    • Arrive & Align
    • Velocity Matching
    • Pursue & Evade
    • Face
    • Wander & Path Following
    • Separation
    • Collision & wall avoidance
  • Tank Behviour tree
  • AI randomized
  • Shell movement
  • Shell types
    • Normal Shell
    • Mega Shell
    • Dimensional Shell
  • UI
    • Tank healt wheel
    • Enemy Detection
    • No Ammo
    • Elements facing camera
  • VFX
    • Water Shader
    • Portla VFX
    • Tank smoke & fire when damaged
    • Shell collide explosion
    • Shell smoke & fire trail
    • Shell launch