The Witcher: A Bard's Tale

A 3D Hack & Slash cooperative game based on the Witcher Netflix series, built trough our own Game Engine called Alien Engine. The project was made by a team of 38 people (all the class) and lasted 4 months. To manage such a huge project we worked with the scrum methodology. We divided the tasks with scrum masters and their teams. With the support of the leads & producer.

From the beginning I took the role of designer of combat designer, with all its sorroundings. I was in charge of the character combat design of both players, later focused on Geralt/melee character. As well as the game feel, VFX & implementing some combat features.

During this project I've learned a lot about soft skills & communication with the team. Constant feedback with the programming department requiring new features was a must to achieve great visuals in the VFX or a good combat system.

Check out to see in more detail my work in The Witcher: A Bard's Tale profile web


  • Player Combat Design
    • Snap
    • Attacks
    • Combos
    • Input
    • Gather Animations
  • VFX Design & Artist
    • Slashes
    • Expansive Wave
    • Tornados
    • Blood
    • Attacks Buffs Particles
  • GameFeel
    • Directional Blood
    • Rumble
    • Camera Shake
    • Hit Freeze
  • Combat UI Design