Final Fantasy: Dawn of Ivalice is an Action RPG based on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and its storyline background. In Dawn of Ivalice, the player can control and swap between Marche (warrior), Ritz (mage) and Shara (archer) at any time to combine their unique and incredible abilities and develop different strategies according to the situation that is presented.
The project was developed with a team of seven, whom i've had a fantastic experiences. The development lasted 4 months where I took the role of quality assurance checking that all features works properly and fixing some of them. Also I worked as a programmer & designer where I designed & implemented features such as the loot system.
During this project i learned a lot about team work & handling different issues within the development process to create & maintain the best work atmosphere.
Check out to see in more detail my work in The Witcher: A Bard's Tale profile web