Pinball 2

A tribute to pinball 2 game produced in Physics II subject in my bachelor degree. We used Box2D library as physics module of our project to deal with basic shapes creation, world simulation, collision detection, joints among other things to create the pinball game.

During the development of Rollin'X we learned to featuring the physics project with the modern techniques and tools for collision detection like Unary operators as point test or raycast and Binary functions as overlap, contact manifolds, time of impact. Also we were getting into advanced shapes as convex polygons, edges, chains and contraints like joints (hinge, prismatic, pulley, gear, motor, etc).


  • Box 2D integration
  • Ball Physics
  • Flippers behaviour & physics
  • Bumper behaviour
  • Ball launcher
  • Score & lives
  • Ball Respawn
  • Highscore
  • Sensor system as triggers